'Twas the Kiss Before Christmas Read online

Page 14

  I turned to Adam in shock, and whispered. “But Mr. and Mrs. Johnson . . .”

  Miles came forward. “Are we ready to do this?”

  Tears filled my eyes, as a feeling of disappointment washed over me. Besides Adam, the Johnsons would be a great fit for Silver Bells. And Adam had all but promised me that the Johnsons would be given first refusal.

  He took me to one side. “I’m sorry, Faith. Miles is here, so I need to hear what he has to say. The Johnsons told me they can’t beat the asking price and Tiffany tells me that Miles can.”

  My stomach sank. “It comes down to profits then.”

  I could understand having to sell to someone who might tear Silver Bells down but choosing to was another story. I gave Adam a hard look, before yanking the door open and hurrying inside. I half-expected Adam to come after me, but as I looked back he was standing and talking with Miles, and Tiffany was right by his side.


  Later that afternoon, I massaged my temples and looked at Adam across my desk. Although there were only about three feet of mahogany between us, the distance had never seemed greater.

  “I had no idea that Miles was coming up today, I promise.” Adam reached across the desk for my hand, which I moved out of reach. Earlier today, I was the happiest I had been in a long time, and now the rug had been pulled out from under me.

  “Okay, but what I don’t understand is why you all but agreed to the Johnsons buying the place, and now you’re thinking of selling to Miles.”

  “Faith, I know how much this place means to you,” he said, gazing out the window. Light snowflakes were falling and swirling. “Truth be told, I’ve grown to love it, too. But business is business. I only have a few days to make a decision. After that, the partner deal is off the table.”

  “But the Johnsons are interested,” I reasoned.

  “Their offer is below the asking price, Faith. If I accept their offer then I’ll need to take out a loan to bridge the gap. On the other hand, Miles is talking about full price and has even hinted at offering above the asking price for a quick sale. If that works out, I’d be able to buy into the partnership and still have capital left over to invest.”

  I bristled. “Well, it seems like you have made your mind up,” I said, blinking back the tears filling my eyes.

  Adam stood and walked around to my side of the desk, and pulled a chair out. Sitting next to me, he took my hands in his. “Faith, the last thing I want to do is hurt you. I’ve asked Miles and the Johnsons for time to think about their offers.”

  I looked at him. “What’s the delay? You’re selling to Miles, right? Like you said, it makes more business sense.”

  “It makes more sense here,” he said, tapping his temple. Then he took my hand and laid it against his chest, his heart beating strongly beneath my fingers. “But selling to the Johnsons makes more sense here.”

  Without moving my hand, I looked into Adam’s eyes. “What are you saying?”

  Adam’s gaze landed on the framed ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas poem and then on the mistletoe above the door. He smiled, smoothing my hair away from my face and wiping the tear that leaked down my cheek. “I’m learning to listen to my heart more. Nothing has been set in stone, and I have lots to think about.”

  “I’m glad you’re thinking about it,” I said, hoping there was still a chance.

  He walked to the door and I followed, thinking that the meeting was over. But instead of opening the door, he pointed upward. “Mistletoe. You know what that means.”

  Listening to my heart, I figured tradition was tradition. So, I wound my arms around his neck and kissed him with everything in me.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  After dinner that night, Adam and I walked down the sidewalk along Main Street. I didn’t know what made me the happiest—the sights and sounds of the Christmas Carnival and Parade, or Adam’s face lighting up with a thousand watt smile as we exchanged a look.

  Not everyone in Christmas Mountain knew who he was as we’d kept the sale of Silver Bells low key. No point in upsetting the locals until we could give them some concrete information. But the fact that most people didn’t know Adam meant that every woman walking past tried to catch the eye of this handsome stranger.

  But his smile was just for me. In fact, we paused on the sidewalk and I let him pull me into a hug and then he planted a kiss on my lips. Morgan’s salon would be a hive of gossip in the morning, but this kiss was so worth it.

  “I’ve got some news,” Adam said, and laughed as I kissed him again.

  “Good news?” I asked, hopefully.

  He nodded. “I received a call from Miles. He’s decided he wants to buy Silver Bells and is on his way up to close the deal.”

  I pulled away and stepped back, searching his eyes. “How is that good news?”

  He pulled me back to him. “Because, silly, it helped me make my final decision. I’m going to sell to the Johnsons, so Silver Bells will keep running for years to come.”

  I squealed, jumped into his arms, and showered his face with kisses. “This is the best Christmas news ever.”

  “Now that all is right in the world, let’s go,” I said, disentangling myself from his arms and then pulling him by the hand. “The doggie parade is about to start. Come see what a small town Christmas doggie parade looks like.”

  I felt like my heart was going to burst. Silver Bells was safe, and, for the moment at least, I had a man I adored and who, according to his elf-clad confession, felt the same way about me. I squeezed his hand as the music started up, with the first few notes of Deck the Halls floating through the cold, crisp breeze.

  A faint mist hung in the air, creating tiny multi-colored halos around every light that lit up the evening, a fitting tribute to the children’s choir who began singing in angelic voices, some of them as young as two years old. Adam bought roasted chestnuts, and as I bit into one, the sweet flavor filled my mouth. I sighed, the moment feeling so perfect.

  Floats with dogs glided past us, each one bigger and better than the last. There was a living, breathing snow-dog with his owner throwing snowballs at the crowd as he rode by, followed by a pumpkin carriage pulled by huskies, Cinderella sitting on a throne of glittering gold.

  Then came the heroes parade, with Christmas Mountain’s fire department walking their dogs, Dalmatians and rescue dogs alike decked out with tinsel, followed by police officers walking their dogs, a German Shepherd, a black lab, and even a poodle sprayed with glitter (Ruby’s doggie day spa would be cleaning those bodies in the morning), paramedics dressed as elves with their dogs, and military veterans walking side by side with theirs.

  There was a pause in the parade, and I turned to Adam. “So, how does this compare to Christmas in the Big Apple?” I asked, half serious and half teasing. I had seen Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade on TV, as well as the Rockefeller Center tree lighting gala, and I knew that Christmas Mountain didn’t have extravagant props, but we more than made up for that in originality, enthusiasm, love, and community spirit.

  He pulled me slightly in front of him, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind, and whispered in my ear, “I’m right where I need to be.”

  “Me, too.” I shivered before leaning back against him, not wanting any space between us.

  The parade continued, and the next float brought gasps of delight from the crowd. But the biggest round of applause came from the last float, which was Silver Bells’ very own sleigh, pulled by reindeer with Rudy (or Houdini as we now dubbed him), and the employees holding their dogs in their laps.

  The beautifully crafted sleigh had been polished to within an inch of its life, its glossy surface picking up the reflection of the tiny white lights which had been carefully strung along its edges, and piles of beautifully wrapped gifts stacked high in the back. In any other parade, those boxes would be empty, used for decoration only, but I knew that they were filled with toys and gifts donated by local businesses and kind hearted residents to give thos
e families less fortunate a decent Christmas.

  Sitting in front of the gifts, and holding on to the reins, sat Santa himself, and I felt a moment of sadness as Mr. Kline had played Santa last year. I looked up at Adam who seemed lost in happy thought, his eyes shining, a small smile playing on his lips.

  “This brings back many happy memories for me. I used to come down to watch the Christmas parade, not this one obviously, with my parents every year, sitting on Dad’s shoulders so I could see everything. We would eat chestnuts and hot dogs, and Dad always bought me caramel popcorn to take home. Mom would always tell him off because she didn’t want me eating too much sugar.” He laughed. “The parade was the real start of Christmas for me.”

  I turned around and hugged him, loving how he was sharing stories of his family now and smiling so much more. “Thank you for choosing the Johnsons, Adam.”

  He tilted my face upwards, his finger under my chin. “Thanks for being you,” he said, and then his soft lips pressed lightly down on mine.

  I closed my eyes, wishing I could bottle this moment.

  “Mr. Kline? Could we speak to you for a moment?” Mr. Johnson’s voice interrupted our kiss, and my face heated. “I’m sorry for interrupting, but this is important . . .”

  “Certainly. Faith, would you excuse us for a moment?” He squeezed my hand and headed to where Mrs. Johnson stood. With one eye on the brass band, which was bringing up the rear of the parade, I tried to see what was happening with Adam and the Johnsons, but with the crowd moving along the sidewalk I could only catch glimpses. My heart sank as I saw Mrs. Johnson wiping her eyes before turning away.

  Adam returned to my side and took my hand. “Bad news.”


  Adam looked down at me and took a deep breath. “The Johnsons haven’t been able to raise enough money to buy Silver Bells, but . . .” His voice was drowned out as the countdown began and a huge round of applause gave way to the opening notes of the song “Silver Bells” and neighbors and friends hugged and sang “It’s Christmas time in the city . . .”

  “Hang on, we need something . . . ”Adam looked at a flower stand and disappeared into the line to get a bouquet, but flowers couldn’t cheer me up after that bad news.

  A pair of arms grabbed my arms from behind, making me jump. I spun around to see Morgan and her brother, Connor. Morgan hugged me, and offered a bite of her hotdog. I shook my head, feeling a little sick and wanting to hear the rest of what Adam had to say about the Johnsons.

  Connor nudged me in the ribs playfully. “So, did it work?”

  My eyebrows came together. “Did what work?”

  “This ring any bells?” Connor asked, and then started staggering around in front of me. “Me, playing the store loiterer? I hope it turned the buyers off the way you wanted it to. That was hilarious. If you ever need me to act crazy again, I’m your guy.”

  “Hard to believe you had to act, bro . . .” Morgan’s voice trailed off as she looked past my shoulder.

  I turned to see Adam standing with a bouquet of red and white carnations, arranged with the tips of noble fir, sparkly pinecones and holly, looking from Connor to me. “You know this guy outside of the store? You tried to sabotage the buyers behind my back? Faith?”

  My arms prickled with panic. “I can explain, Adam.”

  He looked at me, hurt visible in his eyes. “You really know this guy?”

  I nodded, and reached for Adam’s hand. “Yes, he’s Morgan’s brother. But, please let me explain . . .”

  Adam shook my hand off and then turned and walked away, dumping the bouquet of flowers in the green trashcan he passed. All of the wind knocked out of me as I realized I’d blown it and my deceit had cost me everything.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  I’d been looking forward to the Silver Bells Christmas Party for so long, but now, as I walked in, I just felt sick. I couldn’t shake the look of betrayal on Adam’s face when he’d found out I had tried to sabotage his buyers. Connor had apologized to me and had been mortified when he realized what he’d blurted out in front of Adam, but it wasn’t his fault. Plus, I might need him to show me the ropes on how to be a loiterer if I got fired.

  Not that I could blame Adam if he canned me.

  The party was in full swing when I arrived, but I needed to find Adam first and clear the air. I was sure once I explained to him why I’d done what I’d done he’d understand. We’d grown so close over the past few weeks, so he’d understand. Wouldn’t he? I slipped through the lobby and headed for Adam’s office, but as I got closer, I could hear him talking on the phone.

  “I’ll be back in New York soon. I just have a few loose ends to tie up.” He glanced up as I knocked on the open door, before walking in. “Let me call you back.”

  Adam looked at me, his eyes flickering down to my dress for the briefest of moments before returning to my face. Morgan had told me I looked like a mermaid (in a good way) in the dress, which was floor length and covered in sequins made of turquoise blue, which flashed green as it moved. My heart rate sped up and I forgot everything I’d planned to say.

  He stepped out from behind his desk, came around to the front of it, and perched on the edge of it. He looked so handsome in his dinner jacket that I wanted to cry, but, unlike The Little Mermaid, my makeup wasn’t waterproof and I didn’t think panda eyes would help my cause. I smiled hesitantly, but was met with an icy stare.

  “What can I do for you, Faith?” he asked.

  I flinched at his cold tone. “I just wanted to explain and clear the air.”

  “I heard all I needed to hear last night.” He stood up and walked to the door. “Let’s just get this party over with so I can wrap things up and get back to New York.”

  Over with? The Silver Bells Party was one of the highlights of the season in Christmas Mountain and I had wanted Adam to experience it with me. But that dream had been shattered after he’d overheard Connor.

  “Was there anything else you wanted to say or do? You have a knife, perhaps?”

  I frowned, not understanding. “A knife?”

  He nodded. “Yes, to stab me in the back with.”

  “No, I’ll just go,” I said, my stomach tightening. As I walked down the corridor I heard him talking on his phone again.

  “Hi, Tiff? Sorry about that, no, it wasn’t anything important.”

  As I walked back into the lobby I bumped into Ruby.

  “Connor told me what happened,” she said as she hugged me. “Are you okay?”

  “Not really.” I grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing waiter. “But, if this is going to be Silver Bells’ last party, I’m going to try to enjoy it.”

  I worked my way through the crowd, smiling and laughing, but despite my declaration to Ruby, it felt like a knife going through my heart every time someone congratulated me on the party, or complimented Silver Bells. I envied their ignorant bliss as to what was about to happen.

  Jake, a handsome rancher who I had dated a couple of times, sidled up to me. “Care to dance, ma’am?”

  “Why not?” I laughed at his fake southern drawl and how he pretended to touch his non-existent cowboy hat, and let him lead me onto the dance floor. As we started to dance, the music changed to a slower song, and Jake grinned, slipping his arms around my waist. At the same moment, I noticed Adam standing in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe with his arms folded. I was so intent on watching Adam that when Jake spun me around for the finale, I stepped back too quickly and stood on his foot, my silver stiletto heel sinking into his boot. Poor Jake. As he hopped comically around (he’d always been one for exaggerating), I apologized profusely, and caught Adam’s eye again, a satisfied grin on his face.

  I turned back to Jake. “Are you okay? I’m so sorry.”

  He straightened. “I’m fine, it’s just a foot, right? I’ve got a spare.”

  He hobbled off the dance floor, and I looked around, but Adam had disappeared. I headed for the bar and asked for a glass o
f champagne.

  “Adam Kline, can you come to the front?” Harmony asked, tapping the microphone. “Oh, now it’s working. And Faith Sterling? Please come up.”

  After a long sip of champagne, I headed to the front where Harmony stood.

  “Ladies and gents, as is Silver Bells tradition, the sleighs are waiting out front to take you on a magical moonlit ride through the forest. The first sleigh will be for our owner, Adam Kline, and our manager, Faith Sterling.”

  I gave Harmony a strong look, but she smiled at me and waved. She was so not getting what I meant with that look.

  “Please remember your coats as it is C.O.L.D out there tonight,” Harmony said. “Hot chocolate and mulled wine will be served on your return to warm you up, followed by lots more dancing. Enjoy, everyone!”

  To my surprise, Adam put his hand on the small of my back. “After you.”

  Sitting next to Adam on the sleigh, under a red velvet blanket, would’ve been totally romantic had this been a day ago. Instead, I felt irritated and couldn’t stop wondering what he and Tiffany had been talking about on the phone. He was silent until the sleigh was out of earshot of the crowd, who cheered and whistled as we pulled away.

  “Look, Adam—”

  “I can’t believe you did that to me, Faith. How could you go behind my back like that?”


  “I’ve been honest with you from the start that I was selling the business and you acted like you were on board to do anything to help,” he said, his jaw pulsing as he shook his head. “Instead, you were stabbing me in the back. I’ve never felt so betrayed in my life.”

  “You’ve never felt so betrayed?” I asked, with a mirthless laugh. “That’s rich. What about me? You’re selling the business I love. No, worse . . .” I turned to face him. “How could you betray your dad this way?”